Achieving sustained business success involves more than just strategy, it’s about aligning the energies surrounding your business with your growth goals. Our Numerology Business Growth Consultation helps you optimise key aspects of your business through numerology, ensuring that every element is working in harmony to foster success and attract positive opportunities.

What’s Involved

In this session, we analyse and provide recommendations for various key areas of your business to ensure alignment with positive energy. These include:

  1. Business Name: We analyse the numerology of your business name and provide recommendations for adjustments, if needed, to enhance positive energy and attract success.

  2. Business Registration Date: We evaluate the energies associated with the date your business was registered, providing insight into how these energies influence the business and how to maximise their benefits.

  3. Business Address: We offer suggestions to ensure your business address aligns with growth energy, fostering expansion and attracting new opportunities.

  4. Key Personnel: We analyse the numerology chart of up to three key personnel, identifying ways to maximise their productivity and contribution to the business.

  5. Phone Number: Recommendations are provided to align your business phone number with energies that enhance communication and attract new opportunities.

  6. Vehicle Plate Number: We evaluate your business vehicle’s plate number to ensure it carries energies that promote safety and security.

  7. Pricing Structure: We review your pricing strategy, suggesting changes that attract positive energy and resonate with potential customers.

  8. Bank Account Number: We analyse your business bank account number to ensure it aligns with financial luck and prosperity.

Why This Session Matters

This session is ideal for business owners who are looking to maximise the growth and success of their established business. By ensuring that every aspect of your business, from its name to its pricing structure aligns with positive energies, you’ll be equipped to attract more opportunities, improve productivity, and foster long-term success. Here’s what you’ll get from this session:

  • Alignment of your business name, address, and registration date with energies that attract success and growth.

  • Optimisation of key personnel’s productivity by aligning their roles with their personal numerology.

  • Enhanced communication and opportunities through business phone number and address optimisation.

  • A pricing structure designed to resonate with positive energy and attract more customers.

  • Improved safety and security for your business vehicle through a harmonised plate number.

  • Boosted financial prosperity by aligning your business bank account number with success and abundance.


Consultation Fee:

USD $1,250 for a 2-hour session


Our sessions are available in English and Indonesian, and offered in two options:

1. Onsite: Face-to-face meeting at our office.

2. Online: Virtual meeting via Zoom.