Launching a successful business requires more than just a strong idea, it’s about ensuring every aspect of your business is aligned with energies that attract success and growth. Our Numerology Entrepreneurship Consultation is designed to help entrepreneurs optimise key elements of their business to ensure they are setting a solid foundation for long-term success.

What’s Involved

In this session, we analyse and provide tailored recommendations on crucial areas of your business setup to align everything with positive energies and growth potential. The topics we cover include:

  1. Business Name: We analyse the numerology of your business name, recommending adjustments if necessary, to ensure it carries positive energy and resonates with success.

  2. Registration Date: We provide recommendations for selecting auspicious registration dates to give your business the best possible start.

  3. Business Address: We ensure your business address is aligned with growth energy, setting a strong foundation for expansion and opportunity.

  4. Business Partners: We analyse up to three business partners to assess compatibility and ensure harmonious, productive working relationships.

  5. Phone Number: Recommendations are made to ensure your business phone number is aligned with energies that enhance communication and attract new opportunities.

  6. Vehicle Plate Number: We review your business vehicle’s plate number to ensure it is aligned with energies that promote safety and security.

  7. Pricing Structure: We recommend a pricing structure that attracts positive energy and resonates with customers.

  8. Bank Account Number: We recommend bank account number that enhance financial prosperity and success.

Why This Session Matters

Starting a business can be overwhelming, and the decisions you make at the launch stage can significantly influence its long-term success. By aligning key aspects of your business with positive energy, this session helps set the foundation for growth, financial stability, and lasting opportunities. It ensures that your business is supported by the best possible energies, allowing you to start on a strong, successful note. Here’s what you’ll get from this session:

  • A business name and registration date that attract success and growth from the start.

  • A business address aligned with energies that promote expansion and opportunity.

  • Compatibility analysis of business partners to ensure productive and harmonious collaborations.

  • A phone number that enhances communication and attracts opportunities.

  • Vehicle plate numbers optimised for safety and security.

  • A pricing structure designed to attract positive energy and resonate with customers.

  • A bank account number aligned with financial success and prosperity.


Consultation Fee:

USD $1,250 for a 2-hour session


Our sessions are available in English and Indonesian, and offered in two options:

1. Onsite: Face-to-face meeting at our office.

2. Online: Virtual meeting via Zoom.