Life Path Insight offers an in-depth analysis of your personal numerology chart, revealing your life purpose, strengths, challenges, and overall direction. This session helps you understand your true self, enabling you to expand your horizons and reach your full potential. By exploring your life roadmap, you gain valuable insights and awareness to navigate your journey with clarity and confidence.

What’s Involved

During the session, we analyse your personal numerology chart to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of your life’s purpose and the key phases that shape your journey:

  • Life Path Number: One of the most important numbers in your personal numerology chart, the life path number signifies what you are destined to achieve in this life. It is derived from the sum of your date of birth and reveals your core strengths, challenges, and the direction you are meant to take. This number acts as a guide, showing you the path to personal fulfilment and success.

  • Pinnacles: Pinnacles represent the seasons of your life. There are four pinnacles or life stages, and each brings with it unique energies, opportunities, and challenges. These pinnacles signify major shifts and transitions, and understanding them allows you to better navigate life’s changes. Knowing the meaning of your pinnacles and the challenges associated with each season empowers you to maximise the gift energies and opportunities that come your way, while also preparing you to overcome obstacles effectively.

  • Name Numbers: Your name numbers reveal the influence you can make in fulfilling your life path. They provide insight into your skills, talents, and abilities, and how these traits can support your overall purpose. By understanding the power of your name numbers, you can harness your innate strengths and abilities to align with your destiny and take advantage of opportunities in both your personal and professional life.

Why This Session Matters

Understanding your life path number, pinnacles, challenges, and name numbers gives you the insight needed to navigate life with greater confidence and purpose. This knowledge allows you to identify key moments for growth and transformation while preparing you to overcome obstacles. By aligning your actions with these energies, you can create a more balanced, fulfilling, and successful life journey. Here’s what you’ll get from this session:

  • Discover your life purpose and gain clarity on the path that aligns with your destiny.

  • Understand your strengths and challenges at each life stage to prepare for personal growth and success.

  • Identify the best times to make important decisions such as career changes, relationships, or major investments.

  • Receive valuable guidance on how to overcome challenges during each pinnacle phase for a smoother life path.

  • Align your actions with the energies of your life path and pinnacles to live a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

Consultation Fee:

USD $620 for a 1-hour session. Use the code FIRST50OFF to get 50% off your first session.


Our sessions are available in English and Indonesian, and offered in two options:

1. Onsite: Face-to-face meeting at our office.

2. Online: Virtual meeting via Zoom.